The Coaching App

The Coaching App

The Coaching App was developed to make Flynn’s culture thrive, one coach and one coachee at a time. The Flynn Coaching App helps coachees get up to speed in their new position. It provides information about the trade and a direct line to your coach, an experienced trades person with training as a coach for new employees. The app gives coachees a better understanding of just how rewarding a career in the trades can be.

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Awesome Features

The Flynn Coaching App helps coachees get up to speed in their new positions. It provides tools to help you get your new job done.



Part 1: Sign In


Part 2: Pairing


Part 3: Other Resources


Part 4 – Coaches Content


Where do I get my employee number from to get setup in the app?

You can get your employee number from your paystub or foreman who has your employee number for digital time capture

Where can I go if I am having technical issues with the app?

You can contact Helpdesk at [email protected].

Can I submit pictures and videos or make suggestions for content to the app?

Not at this time, submission to the app is planned for future release.

How do I delete a coachee?

If you notice you still have a coachee on your list, please message him/her and find out why he/she has not found a new coach and help him/her find a new coach so that all of your hard work is not wasted.

How is data consumed in the app? Are there tips for how to best use the app to reduce data consumption?

  • A lot of the basic text information has been downloaded when you download the app. Photos and video are downloaded as you get to a section in the app and request that data.
  • Videos and pictures have been downsized to reduce data consumption on mobile devices. These low-resolution video files will consume less data.
  • Under your settings you can disable data, by turning on Wi-Fi only.

Where can I find training on how to use the app?

Check out for App tutorials like how to download and sign up for the app! Simply sign in using your Flynn credentials or register with a personal email to begin.

How can I change the language settings in the app?

You can change the language in settings or in your Profile under preferred language.